TopHatRank's Blog

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Review Your Backlinks, Frequently

As a blogger, you likely don’t have a lot of resources, a full content team, or expensive SEO software watching out for your website. Links have long been regarded as a vote of confidence between websites. An internal link between […]

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Why You Should Denote Sponsored and Affiliate Links

Ever wonder why most people don’t like used car salesmen? They’re oftentimes overly pushy about selling you a car. In a manner of speaking, in the online blog space, the same is true for bloggers who come across as overly […]

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Crawling & Indexing; Exclude Low-Value Pages

Indexation of lower value pages was among many of the findings from our correlative study of the November 2019 Google update. As a result, one of our recommendations is that websites (blogs) need to cut down on low-value pages by developing […]

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Focus on Speed; Cut Down On Plugins and Image Size

If you had to choose between ranking a web page because it loaded quickly versus one that implicitly matched the user’s need, which would you rank highest? OK, technically, that’s a trick question because both of those factors are involved […]

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More Ads Doesn’t Equal More Money

While it’s a common practice to run advertisements on your blog as a method of monetization, there is a limit. If, however, your blog has a disproportionately large amount of ads on each page, it can come across as intrusive […]

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Prioritize Relevant Content; Get To The Point

Let me tell you a story about why I love sourdough bread. It really goes back to my childhood days spent outside my family’s cottage, when my mother would leave a piping hot loaf of fresh, sourdough bread in the […]

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Don’t Focus On Broad, Short-Tail Keywords (too much)

Before we serve the meal, let’s first set the table. For context: Top Hat Rank published a food blogger study based on data and observations from a Google algorithm update identified among the industry in November of 2019. In the […]

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SEO For Bloggers 101: Recap of Episode One

Whether you are just getting started or an experienced publisher, chances are you have a handful of burning SEO questions. So we asked three of the leading SEO experts in the Food and Recipe Blogging niche to join us for […]

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Recap: 6 Months Since – November 2019 Google Update Study

In November of 2019, Google released an update to its algorithm that decimated a lot of food/recipe/lifestyle blogs. Some of the sites reported drops in organic traffic of up to 60%. Our SEO team decided to conduct a study of […]

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November 2019 Google Update; Food Blogger Study

In November of 2019, Google released an update to its algorithm. This update was very detrimental, site owners reported losses in organic traffic referrals of up to 60%. Since Google didn’t provide much detail as to which changes were made […]

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  • No ContractsWe work Month-to-Month
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  • Made in USAWe're in CA, TX and FL
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