TopHatRank's Blog

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Your Guide to Internal Linking: SEO For Bloggers Episode #28

Internal linking comes with its own challenges, like figuring out which pages you should or shouldn’t link to, how many links you should have per blog post, and more. SEO For Bloggers went live to share insights on internal linking […]

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How to Monetize Your Blog; SEO For Bloggers Episode #27

Discover how to properly optimize your blog images and the overall best practices for including images into your content in this episode of SEO For Publishers. You won’t want to miss hearing from our special guest, Abbey Rodriguez, who shares […]

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How to Update Seasonal Content – SEO For Bloggers Episode #26

The panelists got together last week to discuss the holidays, well, mainly holiday content with a few bits of candy corn mixed in between. With over 38 questions asked during Q&A, this recap blog post is FULL of information about […]

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Pinterest Organic: Recap of SEO For Bloggers Episode #25

Learn how to utilize keyword research to optimize your pins and help make Pinterest a top referral source to your blog once again. In our newest episode of SEO For Bloggers, we uncovered strategies to make the most out of […]

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Backlink Building: Strategies to Help Grow Your Links – Recap of SEO For Bloggers Episode #24

Whether you need to grow the number of backlinks you have or need better quality links, this webinar will shine light on just how to build quality backlinks. Dive deep into backlinking insights, tips and tricks from our expert panelist.

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2 Year SEO for Bloggers Anniversary: Recap of SEO For Bloggers Episode #23

To celebrate 2 years of SEO for Bloggers episodes, we had a special guest from none other than GOOGLE! We were joined by Louisa Frahm, a Google Trends Curator, who helped address your content and SEO questions. With over 80 […]

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Most Common Google Search Console Errors: Recap of SEO For Bloggers Episode #22

Some GSC errors are certainly more serious than others and require immediate attention and warranted stress. While other errors can be quickly fixed and require minimal-to-no stress. Wondering which ones deserve your immediate attention and which ones can be de-prioritized? […]

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A Forensic Look at Google Analytics: Recap SEO For Bloggers Episode #21

Grab your detective glasses and get ready to diagnose your own traffic drops using Google Analytics. In this episode of SEO For Bloggers, we had a very special guest help walk us through the various data points and opportunities inside […]

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Roundups, Categories, and Taxonomies: Recap SEO For Bloggers Episode #20

What kind of roundups should you be participating in? Do you have a clear category structure or way too many categories for users to choose from? What the heck is a taxonomy? If you’re even slightly confused by these questions, […]

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SEO Content Strategy: Recap SEO For Bloggers Episode #19

In this episode, panelists shared how to develop a high-traffic driving content strategy. Check out the replay below to learn how to optimize your new content, update your current content, and create a game plan for the future of your […]

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